
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to learn to code ?

Who is this blog for ? This blog is for emotionally depressed dummies who want to learn to code from scratch and have no idea how to.  Questions you may have asked yourself. How do I learn to code ? Why would I even want to learn coding ? What is coding ? Is it even my thing ? What is it that I need to hack my partner's phone ? (Don't) Bleh Bleh Bleh.  It might be your curriculum or you're jealous of someone who earns a lot by coding or  maybe you're just stupid to take up coding because its cool, I will tell you why you should or should not learn coding . LET ME TELL YOU !  Coding is not easy.  Shove people away who tell you otherwise.  You will find people who say "Meh Bro. Coding is so easy, just functions and stuff. I made a software that can find a needle in a haystack. It is so fun and easy .". It is not. It is hard . Just like everything else in the world !  HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS NOT FOR YOU ? If you're too emotional its not for you. If you quit ea