How to learn to code ?

Who is this blog for ?

This blog is for emotionally depressed dummies who want to learn to code from scratch and have no idea how to. 

Questions you may have asked yourself.

How do I learn to code ?

Why would I even want to learn coding ?

What is coding ?

Is it even my thing ?

What is it that I need to hack my partner's phone ? (Don't)

Bleh Bleh Bleh. 

It might be your curriculum or you're jealous of someone who earns a lot by coding or  maybe you're just stupid to take up coding because its cool, I will tell you why you should or should not learn coding .


Coding is not easy. 
Shove people away who tell you otherwise. 
You will find people who say "Meh Bro. Coding is so easy, just functions and stuff. I made a software that can find a needle in a haystack. It is so fun and easy .". It is not. It is hard. Just like everything else in the world ! 


If you're too emotional its not for you. If you quit easily it is not for you. If you cannot commit yourself to it, it is not for you. So is your relationship. Breakup and cry yourself to sleep.


You  have to be these things to be good at coding.
1. Night Owl
2. Depressed but not emotional
3. Coffee Lover
4. Have a lot of free time
5. Have the ability to take stress when there is no problem in your life. 


Coding is writing some stuff in a computer to make a computer work according to you.


Programming is a lot more than coding. 
Coding is like writing your crush a love letter,(Yes I am a hypocrite), Programming is writing a love letter, checking the paper quality, putting it in an envelope, decorating it, giving your friend a hundred bucks for delivering that to her because you're a chicken.   


First check if it is for you. Coding is not for everyone, even though everyone should learn it by reading my blogs and send me money. 

1. Pick a Programming language.

It can be any programming language. Although I strongly suggest learning C++ first.  You can try to learn coding in C, but be ready to punch yourself several times a day when you do not understand "pointers".

2. Learn the basics of that language.

When you were a kid (you might as well be a kid now), you were taught a language. Assuming you can read my blog, You were taught English in School. What was the process ? You learnt the alphabets and basic grammar. Then you were promoted to learn sentences and paragraphs. After that Essays and Stories. Without understanding the grammar, would you be able to understand what was written in the Stories? 

Grammar in English is Syntax in Programming.

Let me give you a table of English and Programming where I provide a similarity between two.


English Programming
Words Tokens
Proper nouns Identifiers
Common nouns/Verbs/Words with common meanings Keywords
Punctuations Punctuators
Operators Operators

Read about them online.

Start with these. ( I will be writing more blogs on these individually, :) if I am not procrastinating ). 
  1. Datatypes
  2. Input Output
  3. Conditionals 
  4. Loops
  5. Arrays / Lists (Based on your programming language)
  6. Strings 
  7. Functions

How do you learn these ?

Go on the internet. Search for the topic. Read a bit of theory. Try to write some programs. Move on. With time you will keep getting better at it. 

3. After the basics, switch to a bit of intermediate stuff. 
  1. Object Oriented Programming concepts.
  2. Data Structures
  3. Algorithms
4. Start building a project.

Get your hands dirty ! Build some projects using what you have learnt previously. 
Go build a calculator without looking it up on the internet. 

5. Focus on a niche.

If you have reached this step, you have already learnt to code a bit (pun intended). 
Time to step out of your coding game. 
Coding is typing. Programming is writing. 

There are a lot of things you can focus on.

1. Web Development

2. App Development

3. Game Development

4. Machine Learning (Good for peeps who like math) 

And a lot more.


It will feel overwhelming. The sheer stress of not being able to print a simple "HI BRO" on screen for you to flex on your non coding friends will be a lot for you to handle. But hang on. Just like you did to the thought of your father coming back when he went out to get milk.

Every Coder / Programmer, goes through this phase. You are not alone. Deal with it. 


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