
What are datatypes ?

What are Datatypes ? Did you read my first blog ? If you did not. Go read it right now.  I will like to turn your mind around a bit (Pun intended again.) When you see a person , What comes to your mind ?  This person might be my future partner.  This person is super hot.  We will name our kids bytes and bits.  How are you defining the person ? With some values !  They will have a name, age, body structure (if you're objectifying them) etc. These are all data that define that person. Names are always words, ages are always numbers. Let us take another example.  You want to eat a Burger (Or Pizza or whatever you want just get something to eat). How do you define it ? It has a name, a flavor, a  color and some ingredients you like.  These are the data which define your burger and they have types.  A name is of a type "Word". A flavor is of a type "Word". Computers are stupid just like you. They need to be told what kind of data you will provide. (Except dynamically

How to learn to code ?

Who is this blog for ? This blog is for emotionally depressed dummies who want to learn to code from scratch and have no idea how to.  Questions you may have asked yourself. How do I learn to code ? Why would I even want to learn coding ? What is coding ? Is it even my thing ? What is it that I need to hack my partner's phone ? (Don't) Bleh Bleh Bleh.  It might be your curriculum or you're jealous of someone who earns a lot by coding or  maybe you're just stupid to take up coding because its cool, I will tell you why you should or should not learn coding . LET ME TELL YOU !  Coding is not easy.  Shove people away who tell you otherwise.  You will find people who say "Meh Bro. Coding is so easy, just functions and stuff. I made a software that can find a needle in a haystack. It is so fun and easy .". It is not. It is hard . Just like everything else in the world !  HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS NOT FOR YOU ? If you're too emotional its not for you. If you quit ea